Graduates client story:

Banking graduates get ahead

Client: A prominent bank.


The client approached us to assist them with their graduate and young talent development programmes.

Graduates entering the workplace lack basic employability and emotional intelligence skills. These graduates need to hit the ground running during their 1-year training programme and equipping them with these skills are imperative to prepare them for the world of work

Our solution

A two-part series of workshops was designed and facilitated. Part One entailed a detailed overview of emotional intelligence with an overview of individual EQ reports. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator profiles were also discussed, and graduates were introduced to the role of personality in the world of work.

Two entailed a customised approach where the client briefed us on the specific skills that they noticed the graduates lack. Kaya has been involved with the client for three years and the content and scope of the second workshop is adapted to client needs. On one occasion, an EQ needs analysis was conducted and three topics were identified. Graduates attended one of these topics based on their individual development needs. On another occasion, the workshop contents incorporated workplace discussions where graduates were prepared to deal with feedback, becoming more assertive and influencing others.

Further programme development

  • Input from graduates and managers
  • Development of a year programme (six workshops in total) for grads on EQ skills, Personality, and Innovation
  • Young Talent Programme (5 years or less work experience) was added. Themes included grad themes but also career development
  • Both programmes included practical aspects that must be practised at work and reported back on in the next session
  • Apart from initiative games in these sessions the format took a coaching approach, encouraging self-insight and learning

The nature of the workshops was "playful" with less emphasis on theory and a bigger focus on practicing the skills through initiative games. This approach proved to be effective specifically with graduates whose attention span proved to be short with a low tolerance for lengthy theoretical discussions. Some additional reading materials were included in the workbooks to cater for those graduates who wants more background information.

The result

The feedback from the client as well as participants have been overwhelmingly positive. Below is a quote from one of the participants:

I want to express my gratitude for the advice you offered during the smart workplace conversation workshop we had. I took your advice, and it went well. I had the trouble with my relationship manager and there were a lot of frustrations around work and communication. I explained to my line manager what my frustrations were. She helped organise a meeting with my relationship manager and made suggestions. It is actually great now. My relationship manager has given me more room to work, and I have been able to deliver without feeling the frustration of the work.

Both programmes ran for a period of 11 years, until mid-2020. Restarted in the second half of 2022. Participants continuously indicate that the sessions are highly engaging, that it will assist in building their business relationships, increase productivity, assist with their professional development, contribute to how they will lead others, increased knowledge/skills/ability and assist with their overall wellbeing.

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