Our effect

Discover how conversations and even the smallest of personal interventions can transform the performance of leaders, teams and entire organisations.

Clients testimonials

Below, you will find a curated assortment of client testimonials that serve as a testament to the outstanding experiences our clients have had with our services, representing merely a fraction of the multitude of positive feedback we receive.

Our most recent clients

Kaya clients
Kaya clients

It's not just who we are, but how we work.

Case studies and articles

Interested to see how our approach works in the real world? Read our case studies and articles below.

Benefits of working with organisational psychologists

Organisational psychologists use the science of human behaviour in the workplace to improve employee performance and wellbeing. It's that simple.

What sets us apart from management consultants, human resource practitioners and team coaches?


Undergraduate degree +
Masters degree +
supervised practice =
Organisational psychologist.


We don't guess. We diagnose client issues based on data. We develop solutions based on 150 years of research.


There are few regulated professions in this field. Our registration status can be verified by clients.


A high standard of ethical practice is mandated.

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