
Exploring teams

Measuring teams

Improving teams

Client stories


Building high performing teams.

Teams accomplish more than individuals, but it's not because of numbers.

It's harnessing the variety of skills, experience and expertise which delivers quality outcomes. However, these differences can lead to tension and misunderstanding. How can leaders leverage the benefits of diversity?

By carefully designing team infrastructure and building shared understanding.

On this page

Exploring teams

Get an overview of the theory and our view on teams.

Measuring teams

Learn about the assessment tools we use.

Improving teams

Find out more about our programs and strategic approach.

Client stories

Read case studies about our real-world effect on teams.

Exploring teams

Leaders as designers

Think of a Formula 1 car engine - many specialised parts working just the right amount, at just the right time, leading to a high-performance outcome. A team is similar – a group of specialised individuals that need to work in unison – but without a user manual. It's up to leaders to design a system that makes best use of the parts available to create a high-functioning entity.

Beyond design, leaders are also the team mechanic, checking performance and fine tuning the system. There are no identical replacement parts available, so leaders need to understand their system well. Altering one part, like changing the size of a cog, will affect other parts of the system. Leaders who monitor and ‘tune’ their system will maximise performance while minimising stress.

Select a part of our interactive model for more information.

Team Effectiveness • © Kaya 2018

Designing an effective team

Teams are complex and dynamic. Our multi-dimensional view of team effectiveness reflects this reality.

Why is this systemic view important? Because changing a single element won't improve overall performance unless it is supported by other parts of the system. A team workshop won't improve collaboration if working across multiple time zones isn't addressed.

Building shared understanding

Even thoroughly documented processes are open to interpretation. Some team members consider consultation should be open to everyone, while others believe it should be restricted to those people directly impacted. These opinions reflect the different mental models we each hold. Mis-aligned mental models can damage relationships and, when widespread, damage team states. That's why creating shared understanding is the focus of our work with teams.

Measuring teams

High performing teams and average teams are not doing different things – they are doing the same things differently

Consider an effective team like a high-performance engine. As a leader, you're responsible for design, monitoring, and ongoing maintenance. But how do you know what you have to work with? How do you know which parts are running smoothly and which may need some tuning?

Leadership performance tools

Kaya Team Effectiveness Questionnaire

Explores team member perceptions of many dimensions including:

  • Clarity of purpose
  • Cohesiveness, collaboration, and communication
  • Team structure and role dynamics
  • Evaluation and problem solving
  • Coaching and networking
  • Norms and group beliefs
  • Team maturity

Measuring team strengths

High performing teams make maximal use of an individual's strengths beyond just their technical knowledge. But which strengths are helpful? How can they be leveraged?

Psychometric tools provide a framework to understand the variation in normal human behaviour. In workshops, tools like these provide a comfortable, psychologically safe way to discuss team members' strengths and differences, which contributes to positive team states and optimal use of team member abilities.

Leadership performance tools


The Myers Briggs Type Inventory considers an individual's preferred behaviours, which are part of personality. It is one of the most common tools for building a team understanding of each other's strengths and differences.


The Belbin describes a person's preferences in terms of nine team roles, all of which are important in an effective team.

Improving teams

Team development - is it worth it?

How much time do leaders spend resolving misunderstandings? How many meetings don't have clear outcomes? Are delays caused when one team member doesn't deliver on their commitments? We see these issues regularly, and their negative impact on productivity and outcomes. What is the hidden cost of these common, but avoidable, inefficiencies? Consider this equation:

Hours wasted x number of staff impacted x average salary x duration of issue = true financial cost.

Think of warning lights on a car dashboard. Ignoring warning lights because the car still moves doesn't address the looming problem. Waiting until the car breaks down and requires towing ultimately costs more.

Team development, done well, is an investment that saves time and money.

What makes us different?

We've been helping teams become more effective for two decades. We draw on years of resources and activities that work, but we don't provide packaged solutions. Why? Because teams are complex and dynamic and every team is different.

We use diagnostics to pinpoint which parts of your team are working well (or less well). We develop leaders, because good leadership is essential to getting the best out of a team. But most importantly, we build shared mental models.

Improve team performance through shared understanding

Over time, a person will come to know their colleagues. Their strengths. How they prefer to work. This knowledge allows us to work more effectively with others. Aligned thinking, being on the same page, shared mental models – there are many terms to describe a situation where all team members have the same understanding of how the team works.

When a team reaches this level of maturity, productivity is maximised because team members work together more effectively with less misunderstandings.

Shared mental models are the key ingredient for effective teams.

Our approach accelerates this learning process. We create shared mental models using facilitated, purposeful conversations. The principle is simple, however the art lies in knowing exactly which conversations are required. That's what we do.

Client stories

Project success through individual resilience

Young leadership team gets up to speed

A 12 month journey to team effectiveness

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